Join Us

We are looking for a few good people who want to join an amazing research team!

Join Us! We need individuals who are:

  • Critical ThinkersA skeptical approach with a willingness to be wrong as new information is introduced.
  • Puzzle Builders  –  Loves to solve mysteries and search for clues
  • ReliableDoes what they say and understands the importance of responsibility
  • Non-Fantasy ProneCan investigate objectively without the interference of belief
  • PatientUnderstands that answers take time and is satisfied by the research process as much as the results.
  • Open MindedNot stubborn or sold entirely on any concept or belief that has not been proven
  • ProfessionalCan represent our team with a serious and professional demeanor

If this sounds like you then we would love to hear from you!  Paranormal research and investigation (of any location), when done properly is a tedious process that can take years to complete. Our goal is to assemble a team of dedicated professional individuals that have an interest in solving (or at least better understanding) natures mysteries. Through our series of strict methods, controlled research and experimentation, Paranormal New England provides a fantastic environment for learning and exploring what possibilities may exist in our natural world. We typically meet twice a month near the Burlington, MA area and collect dues of $60 per year (which is applied to group funded activities and research, i.e. equipment, outings, etc.).

Keep in mind that while our team does investigate alleged active locations, not all of our research is investigation based. Since our goal is to try and develop an understanding of how these unusual events might occur we conduct experiments and utilize specialized equipment.